Thursday 5 June 2014

Tow-piece moulds

Another marathon day in the Plaster Room with a few challenging moments.  I chose an aubergine (more lyrical than eggplant, surely).  A two-piece mould is needed when the model has undercuts and will not drop easily from the mould.  Two halves are constructed from plaster - with an entry point in which to pour the slip - and banded together to form the whole shape.

The aubergine was a little tricky and my cottles weren't completely secured so that when I poured the plaster in, I had a flood of plaster running off the table onto the floor.  With helping hands, disaster was averted and the second part of the mould was poured.  Fingers crossed it all works out tomorrow when I take the cottles off the mould.

I'm already thinking of ways to alter the shape when I slip cast from this mould or I could make multiples of the same shape and make a still life.  How do I support my aubergines....?  Will I leave them uncoloured and unglazed or use a water-colour effect with under-glazes.
More questions than answers at this stage.

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