Friday 16 May 2014

Drop Mould

Another day in the Plaster Studio making a one-piece or drop mould for slip-casting.  The first step was covering my models  - pink plastic drinking cup and a glass - with mould-grease.  I filled the plastic cup with wet clay and placed it upside down on the bench and put the cottles in place with a coil of clay on the outside to prevent leakage.  For the glass, I placed it on a clay slab and pressed into the clay before pushing the cottles into the clay.   I then made up a bucket of plaster and poured around and over my models.  When the plaster was set, a shot of air released the model from the mould.

I am set for slip casting next week.  How will I decorate the surface?  I have some research to do before then.
Waiting for the plaster to set in formwork

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