Tuesday 29 April 2014

Hump/Slump moulds

We've had a few boot camp sessions in the plaster room making hump and slump moulds.  I used plastic wrap in my first hump mould (not trusting that the plaster would come out) and consequently had folds in the plaster which had to be filled with clay before making the corresponding slump mould in plaster.  Live and learn, as they say.

I had the idea that this shape would make shoulders for my portrait busts.  I could combine mould work (shoulders) with slip-casting (neck) and hand-building (head).

Theoretical aspect

While designing and making are the 'fun' parts of this course, I find myself struggling with the theoretical side of my research.  I've been finding Freud a bit ponderous but I've discovered a tidy little book with the title of Basic Freud.  It's a very accessible introduction to Freudian thinking.  In the past, I've read some feminist theory and I would like to find a way of linking both (contrasting?) schools of thought to my work.

Friday 25 April 2014

Work in progress

I've started work on a series of figurative sculptures.  The first two are busts of two sisters.  The figures are connected by the disembodied hand.  The hair has been changed since this photo was taken.